Is it really possible to generate a “buzz” about a company? Buzz in the sense of word of mouth or social excitement, kudos, envy and momentum?
And do companies that achieve this buzz really benefit from it.
In my experience it is.
And, from what I’ve seen – yes they do.
Here are a few thoughts on how and why.
Two business scenarios
Many senior business people who are not from a communications or marketing background struggle with the rationale for investing in you B2B PR agency.
Typically, these people will have been running hugely successful businesses that have grown off the back of referrals or organically through expanding client relationships.
They’ll probably have invested in a good website and SEO, and they more than likely have a small in-house marketing team engaged in awards entries, social posting, events and some content creation as well as the odd press release. It’s a standard pattern.
Sometimes this low-profile approach stems from the personalities of founders who create a culture that is all about delivering brilliant work combined with careful strategic analysis of market changes and innovating to keep abreast of that change.
All will go well for years.
Then it won’t.
The business will undergo some changes, either in personnel or clients or external pressures from investors or a merger or acquisition may occur. New competitors may have emerged with a more compelling story if not proposition. Growth will slow or stall.
This interesting piece of research – here – speaks to the prevalence of the above. Investing in a B2B PR agency is an awkward, reluctant commitment for many businesses.
And yet somehow the CEO will know in their heart it is needed.
The question is – will they do B2B PR well? Will they commit. Will the agency have the necessary vision and freedom to make it work?
There is a mirror image of the above scenario.
Living and breathing B2B PR
A dynamic new company will enter a sector and begin to weave an almost mythical reputation. They will become the go-to option.
Yes, they will be very good. They will offer a brilliant proposition that works or a new innovation.
But, they are also the people who will always have an opinion on the latest issue, will always be on important industry event panels, always invited to judge awards, always rated highly in trade performance guides.
They will announce great new client wins, service innovations and the work they do will win coverage in trade media. They will even pop up on TV.
They will scale from entrant to industry leader in relatively short order.
How B2B PR buzz works
How do you create buzz, kudos, envy and momentum through a B2B PR agency in both scenarios above?
I have worked with several companies where it is fair to say genuine industry buzz was achieved.
Landor – a well established branding giant became the go-to experts on everything from Britain’s national reputation to the future of budget airlines.
Fallon – blazed a trail as the hottest creative advertising force in the UK by amplifying seminal work for the likes of Sony, Skoda and Cadbury’s.
The7Stars – rose from indie media agency challenger to indie heavyweight in a few short years.
In all three cases and in every successful client relationship where B2B PR played a significant role in success, a few simple things happened or where present.
• Firstly – the leadership team were up for it. They truly wanted to engage with PR and put the business in the limelight.
• Secondly – the leadership team were brave. They were prepared to leverage what they were doing and invest their time to support the efforts needed. They listened to advice and invested in ideas.
• Thirdly – they made the effort to understand how PR works.
• Fourthly – they didn’t over-complicate the story. The messages about the business were simple, timely and easy to grasp.
• Fifth – they stuck at it and built on success, recognising good B2B PR is not something that can be switched on or off every other month.
The trick is to keep it going.
That may not be possible. But then again keeping “buzz” going might not be necessary.
It is truly amazing how long a reputational aura lasts once established. Just ask Lord Saatchi.
Unless a reputation is damaged in some way, companies can trade off a PR-generated status for decades.
People can become industry legends.
Buzz can morph into leadership – ownership of the industry high ground.
And this can be sustained by more considered, weightier content and commentary from a business.
B2B PR buzz may feel mythical, but believe me, it is very real.
Find out more at B2B PR agency